DigiByte DigiByte dgb #286


-11.59% (1d)

Market Cap


BTC Price






Circulating Supply

17.6B dgb

Total Supply

21B dgb


  • Website

    Website Whitepaper
  • Community

  • Algorithm

    SHA-256, Odocrypt, Skein, Scrypt, Qubit

  • Proof Type

    Proof of Work

  • Block Reward


  • All Time High


  • ATL Date


The current price of DigiByte is $0.00962135 in USD. As of now, a total of 17.6B dgb are in circulation across the market. DigiByte has experienced a price change of -11.59% in past 24 hours. To explore more cryptocurrencies, please visit here. messages.Over the past 24 hours, DigiByte trading volume on crypto exchanges has reached $22.4M.


DigiByte (DGB) is an open-source blockchain and asset creation platform, initiated as a fork of Bitcoin in October 2013. It uses five different algorithms to enhance security and comprises three layers: a smart contract “App Store,” a public ledger, and the core protocol with nodes for transaction relay. DigiByte differentiates itself from Bitcoin by diversifying security, speed, and capacity. It employs five separate algorithms to bolster security and prevent ASIC miners from gaining excessive control. DigiByte also introduced DigiAssets, a platform for launching digital assets, decentralized applications (DApps), and smart contracts, with DGB as its native token. Governance structures within DigiByte operate on a voluntary basis, emphasizing the principle that the network should remain open source and publicly accessible. Jared Tate, also known as “DigiMan,” is the creator of DigiByte.

dgb Markets

# Exchange Pair
1 Binance Binance dgbUSDT
2 Bitci Bitci dgbUSDT
3 BitMart BitMart dgbUSDT
4 Bitrue Bitrue dgbSOL
5 Bitrue Bitrue dgbXRP
6 Bitrue Bitrue dgbADA
7 Bybit Bybit dgbUSDT
9 CoinEx CoinEx dgbUSDT
10 CoinEx CoinEx dgbBTC
11 DigiFinex DigiFinex dgbUSDT
12 HitBTC HitBTC dgbUSDC
13 HitBTC HitBTC dgbUSDT
14 HitBTC HitBTC dgbETH
15 HitBTC HitBTC dgbBTC
16 HitBTC HitBTC dgbTUSD
17 Indodax Indodax dgbIDR
18 KuCoin KuCoin dgbETH
19 KuCoin KuCoin dgbUSDT
20 KuCoin KuCoin dgbBTC
23 LBank LBank dgbUSDT
24 Nominex Nominex dgbUSDT
25 UPbit UPbit dgbUSDT
26 UPbit UPbit dgbBTC
27 Yobit Yobit dgbUSD
28 Yobit Yobit dgbDOGE
29 Yobit Yobit dgbBTC
30 Yobit Yobit dgbWAVES
31 Yobit Yobit dgbETH
32 BingX BingX dgbUSDT
33 BitVavo BitVavo dgbEUR

dgb News

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