2024-12-11 19:13:17

Fortnite enters its FPS era with Ballistic mode

Fortnite’s new Ballistic mode, launched in its early access period, is turning it into a traditional shooter game. According to a Forbes report, the new Fortnite Ballistic mode competes with Call of Duty-type genres, n ot to mention players have also started calling it “CODnite” or “FortCOD” on X. FORTCOD 🔥👀 — 81 Real (@real_818) December 11, 2024 In this mode, players can join 5v5 first-person matches. It also comes with a Fortnite twist. If shot and dead, the characters turn into confetti cubes. This is most probably to retain the game’s Teen rating. Fortnite Ballistic mode is not only about the kills Like Counter-Strike players need to plant bombs while others try to stop him in this new mode. The rules are straightforward: There are no respawns in rounds and a round ends when a bomb detonates or when a team is wiped out. The teams switch sides after six rounds, and the first to win seven rounds wins the match. Players start off with the basic weapons and can buy upgrades to arm their gear as time goes on. Players get to keep the gear and shields if they survive a round. However, they’ll lose anything consumable. Items are sharable amongst teammates as in usual Fortnite mode. Including this, there are options for ranked and unranked modes as well. Fortnite is in the process of becoming a massive network of games At the moment, there’s only one map with a limited number of weapons and items. Given that it’s still an early test, Epic promises it will eventually add more maps and gear. It’s uncertain that FPS players from other games will give Fortnite a go in this mode. As it seems too simple at first, Epic needs to add more maps to the mode. Otherwise having only one map would quickly become boring. Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 continues, and the original Fortnite remains a part of the game permanently . The Epic Games’ flagship title is in the process of becoming a massive network of games. Apparently, the goal here is to keep transitioning Fortnite into adding more and more genres. Land a High-Paying Web3 Job in 90 Days: The Ultimate Roadmap

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