SafeTrade is a multi cryptocurrency exchange platform developed by the SafeCoin team. It enables users with the ability to trade (buy/sell) cryptocurrencies between them using the respective available trading pairs.
SafeTrade native token is the SafeExchange Coin (SAFEX).
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Address: Unknown
Deposit Method: Cryptocurrency
Withdrawal Method: Cryptocurrency
Currency: Min. Withdrawal (Min. Fee)
Safecoin: 0.0 SAFE (0.01 SAFE)
Bitcoin: 0.001 BTC (0.0005 BTC)
Veruscoin: 0.0 VRSC (0.01 VRSC)
Komodo: 0.0 KMD (0.01 KMD)
Litecoin: 0.0 LTC (0.001 LTC)
Solana: 0.001 SOL (0.000015 SOL)
Doge: 2.0 DOGE (2.0 DOGE)
Ycash: 0.0 YEC (0.01 YEC)
Arrow: 0.0 ARW (0.01 ARW)
ION: 0.0 ION (0.01 ION)
Zero: 0.0 ZER (0.001 ZER)
Pirate: 0.0 ARRR (0.01 ARRR)
BitcoinConfidential: 0.0 BC (0.01 BC)
Digibyte: 0.0 DGB (0.01 DGB)
Pigeon: 0.0 PGN (0.01 PGN)
Raven: 0.0 RVN (0.01 RVN)
UraniumX: 0.0 URX (0.01 URX)
SmartCash: 0.0 SMART (0.01 SMART)
Zettelkasten: 0.0 ZTTL (0.01 ZTTL)
Hush: 0.0 HUSH 0.01 (HUSH)
KOTO: 0.0 KOTO 0.01 (KOTO)
Ritocoin: 0.0 RITO (0.01 RITO)
Aqua: 0.0 AQUA (0.01 AQUA)
ANON: 0.0 ANON (0.01 ANON)
Atheios: 0.0 ATH (0.01 ATH)
BitCash: 0.0 BITC (0.01 BITC)
Litecoinz: 0.0 LTZ (0.01 LTZ)
BitcoinZ: 0.0 BTCZ (0.01 BTCZ)
Zclassic: 0.0 ZCL (0.01 ZCL)
Zcash: 0.0 ZEC (0.00002 ZEC)
Horizen: 0.0 ZEN (0.01 ZEN)
Zelcash: 0.0 ZEL (0.01 ZEL)
Yadacoin: 0.0 YDA (0.01 YDA)
In order to access the SafeTrade fees details, please click here.